facial implants

Facial Implant Procedure

Facial implants are available for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes. They are available in a wide range of sizes and styles for the jaw, nose, cheek and chin. Facial implants add and or restore facial symmetry and balance features to enhance facial proportionality.

Facial implant procedures usually take between thirty minutes and up to two hours and are usually performed at the surgeon’s office or an outpatient surgical center. All facial implant procedures follow similar surgical patterns. Under general or local anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision near where the implant will be placed, a pocket is made in the facial tissue, the implant inserted, and the incision stitched. The incision is bandaged or taped, and stitches are removed in 5-10 days.

Various Types of Facial Implants

Facial implants come in various sizes and shapes and made of silicone and available for augmenting the chin, cheek, nose and jaw. A major manufacturer of facial implants is Implantech. Each facial implant comes with a wide variety of design options which your surgeon will discuss and explain to you. For a complete description of available implants, please visit the facial implant description page at http://www.implantech.com

Risks Associated with Facial Implants

Each cosmetic surgery procedure carries a certain amount of risk, as does all surgery. Your surgeon will discuss the possible risks and complications of your facial implant surgery and will answer any questions you may have about those risks. Possible facial implant surgery risks include: infection, shifting, postoperative bruising and swelling. Recovery time also depends on the type of procedure you elect to have.

Costs of Facial Implant Surgery

Depending on your geographical region, your choice of surgeon, implant type and placement, the average cost of a single facial implant is $2750; the national cost range is between $2000 – $5000. Financing is available.